Required Immunization Record Information for Early Childhood Educators
Early Childhood Educator’s in BC need to have up-to-date immunization records before working in a daycare. Most post-secondary schools will require students to have the immunization record before enrolling in their ECE program. Additionally, before being offered a job at a daycare, the employer will request your immunization record to make sure you are fit to work with children.
According to the BC Centre for Disease Control (BC CDC), childcare workers should have the following vaccines:
- All Routine Vaccines
- Tetanus and Diphtheria (Td) Vaccine
- Shingles Vaccine
- Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine
- Influenza (flu) Vaccine
- Hepatitis B Vaccine
The Hepatitis A Vaccine is not routinely recommended for childcare workers as the BC CDC recommends to practice good hygiene ie. washing hands regularly.
** Please note that some daycares may require additional immunizations such as Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR), Varicella (Chicken Pox), and/or Polio.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your immunizations are current and the records are accurate and safe.
If you are a resident of BC and have a BC Services Card you should be able to use the Health Gateway website (Health Gateway (gov.bc.ca)) to retrieve all your personal medical information.
In the case that your records are incomplete, check with your previous doctors or caregivers. If you are from overseas, check with your hometown doctor.
Alternatively, if you have no records of your vaccinations you can go to a walk-in clinic in BC and request a blood test form for LifeLabs.
If you would like an immunization card to refer to check out this website for samples available to download and print at home: Immunization record cards | Immunize BC