How to Write an Effective Job Post
An appealing job post is vital in the recruitment process. If there is too much text, no spaces, and no titles, a job seeker will likely not spend time reading it. An effective job post has an introduction to the company and the position available, has clear titles for Job Duties / Responsibilities and Job Requirements. This way the job seeker can check their qualifications easily.
A small introductory paragraph at the top of the job post can be used to introduce the company as well as the key information regarding the role. Write a short introduction to the company and give any details you want about the company ie. leader in industry, company culture, mission, vision, location, etc. Next, provide a summary of the position and give an overview of the responsibilities.
Make sure to include the work location, hours, schedule, and any work environment details. Wage is not required, but it is recommended to include. Additionally, adding the benefits available for the position can attract job seekers.
Do not have a lengthy introduction paragraph as the job seeker may become overwhelmed. Be specific when summarizing the position and target the reader, ie. “You will provide customer service and serve as the first impression for our office.”
Next, have a heading to clearly state this section, after have bullet points on the responsibilities. If it is a block of text, job seekers are less likely to take the time to read it. For an example of both refer below. As you can see, the first example is clear and easy to read for the job seeker to see their fit.
Job Duties:
- Provide excellent customer service.
- Serve as the first impression for the office.
- Answer phone calls and emails, relay information.
In this position, you will provide excellent customer service, serve as the first impression for the office, and answer phone calls and emails, then relay information to the appropriate party.
It is good practice to be thorough, but it is not necessary to list duties that are not essential to the job. Try to keep points summarized and not ramble on. Outlining the important day-to-day activities of the role can help the job seeker understand the expected work activities.
The next part of a good job post is to outline the key requirements and qualifications that a job seeker should have. This can be requirements such as education, related work experience, personality traits, job specific experience (ie. software, certificates, etc.). A list similar to the one described above for Job Duties can be used here again. It is important to start off by listing the key requirements first, then you can mention personality and preferred skills. See the example below.
- Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration (or similar field).
- 2 years of experience in an office environment.
- Highly proficient in Microsoft Office.
- Excellent writing and analytical skills.
- Ability to multitask and adapt to a changing environment.
At the end of the job post you can share details of where to apply and what to include (ie. resume and cover letter). If you have an application deadline, state it here along with details on the next steps for your hiring process.