How to Answer Interview Questions
So, we have discussed best practices for job interviews as well as how to prepare for one. Now, we will go over how to answer interview questions.
In this blog post, we will go over the best ways to answer interview questions. We will outline the different types of candidates and their answer styles.
When asked to introduce yourself, try to keep it short and precise. You do not want to give every detail of every past job, the employer can read your resume for that. Instead, give a brief description of your current/last job then any subsequent related experiences. Give background to your education and work experiences. After that, focus on the new opportunity and why you applied to this one. Discuss why you want the role and why you are the perfect candidate for it.
Away Candidates
These types of candidates want to get away from a situation that is causing them stress and need for change. This may mean they are at a company that is not doing well, at a risk of losing their job, or is already unemployed. These candidates tend to have negative answers.
Towards Candidates
Towards candidates are looking towards something better. They are not trying to escape a situation, they are motivated to find better opportunities. They tend to focus on what they can get out of a new role or how the new role can make them happier.
EXAMPLE: “Why are you looking for a new job?”
Away Answers
- “My current employer does not understand what my job requires.”
- “There is a negative atmosphere at my current workplace.”
- “The company I am working for is not doing well, and management does not seem to care.”
Towards Answers
- “Tell me about your career options, work-life balance, and pay.”
- “This opportunity is an area I would like to pursue.”
- “This opportunity really interested me, I would love to learn more about it.”
As shown above, a towards candidate is more appealing. They are not negative and are looking for specific information regarding the opportunity and the employer.